Products/Teststrips/Wellion LUNA UA/

Wellion LUNA test strips UA - for the measurement of uric acid

A Wellion LUNA test strip is a high-tech product. The test strip  consists of different layers into which electrodes are incorporated in a  complex process. In this measurement, current is generated which is  converted by the measuring instrument into a corresponding uric acid  value and displayed on the display. In uric acid measurement, the AUTO  CODING technology facilitates handling.
We made a conscious decision to produce the Wellion LUNA test strips  in a manageable size, making it easy and safe to remove from the can and  insert it into the device. The end at which blood is drawn into the  reaction zone of the strip using the Sip-in technology is far enough  away from the meter by the dimension of the strip to prevent  contamination with blood. For use with the Wellion LUNA Trio blood  glucose meter.
Packaging unit: 10 pieces

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